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Live-streaming from the UK and the Karolinska Universitetsjukhuset

6th OF NOVEMBER 12:00-13:00

From new data to daily clinical practice in Head and Neck Cancer: Treatment options in the first line unresectable recurrent and metastatic setting*
(By Professor Kevin Harrington, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation)

Welcome to a webinar on treatment options in Head and Neck Cancer by Prof. Kevin Harrington,
investigator in key immunotherapy studies (The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation), and with moderation by Prof. Claes Mercke (Karolinska Institutet).

Attendance to this event is possible in two ways:

  • By registering at the webcast link below at an internet-enabled device; click here
  • In person, if your hospital is having a dedicated streaming site together with your fellow colleagues.
    If you’re attending at a streaming site we would still appreciate that you register at the link above.
    If you’re interested in having a dedicated streaming site at your hospital please contact: [email protected].

*Product information on pembrolizumab will occur based on current approved indications

More info

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