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ESMO Examination in Sweden

This year it will be possible to sit the ESMO Examination in Sweden,  among the several parallel sessions available.



Saturday, 18 September 2021 (17:30-20:00 CEST),  Stockholm, Sweden . (With respect to the current Covid-19 regulations)

Register now for the 2021 examination

Under the present conditions and in keeping with our collective responsibility to help contain the virus and protect cancer patients, oncology professionals as well as the health systems that support them, the ESMO Congress 2021 will have to proceed in a virtual format once more.

The 2021 ESMO examination will be held in presence on Saturday 18 September 2021 (17:30-20:00 CEST) in accordance with the current rules included in anti-COVID protocols at the following sessions:

Baghdad (Iraq), Cairo (Egypt), Chennai (India), Heidelberg (Germany), Ljubljana (Slovenia), Madrid (Spain), Milan (Italy), Moscow (Russian Federation), Olten (Switzerland), Paris (France), Stockholm (Sweden) and Utrecht (Netherlands).

The 2021 Exam will be available in English, French, German, Spanish. Please choose the preferred language in your registration.


The online registration is available here:  as well as the list of sessions.

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