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Issues in the management of relapsed and refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in 2022 with focus on new therapies

Incyte Nordics has the pleasure to invite you to a virtual meeting where Georg Hess, MD and professor at the hematology department at the Johannes Gutenburg University in Mainz, Germany will present the latest scientific data in the treatment of patients with R/R DLBCL.

Wednesday 23rd of March

15.00 – 16.30 CET

For more information and registration click here

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Incyte Nordic Grant for Hematological Research till forskning om utveckling av leukemi och myeloida maligniteter

Ny behandling av svårbehandlat B-cellslymfom godkänns inom EU

Ny behandling av svårbehandlat B-cellslymfom får positivt utlåtande från CHMP