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For the 6th year in a row we hereby invite you to NORDIC HEMATOLOGY DEBATE with international experts. 2022 years Nordic Hematology Debate will cover advances in treatment of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, Multiple Myeloma, Mantle Cell Lymphoma, and Immunotherapy.

During the meeting you will be updated on the current treatment practice and the latest scientifi c and clinical advances within each area.
This meeting is intended for physicians, both specialists and those during education in hematology and oncology with interest in above areas.

For more inf0rmation and registration

Liknande poster

CHMP ger ett positivt utlåtande gällande Carvykti för behandling av relapserad och refraktär multipelt myelom

Janssen lanserar en enklare Erleada-dosering för patienter med avancerad prostatacancer

Janssen ansöker om EMA-godkännande för Rybrevant