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Nordic webinar: Sharing experiences of Neoadjuvant Immunotherapy in NSCLC

Date: 23/04-2024 at 18:30 – 20:00 (CET)
Venue: Virtual meeting

We welcome HCPs across the Nordic countries to this digital meeting where experiences and patient cases will be presented and discussed; both from a pulmonology/oncology- and surgical perspective.

Program: 23 April 2024
18.30 – 18.40 Introduction and data overview 
Dr. Vilde Drageset Haakensen, Oncologist, Oslo, Norway
18.40 – 19.10 Case presentations from Sweden
Dr. Johan Isaksson, Pulmonologist, Gävle, Sweden
Dr. Per Landelius, Thoracic surgeon, Uppsala, Sweden
19.10 – 19.40 Case presentations from Finland
Dr. Jussi Koivunen, Oncologist, Oulu, Finland
Dr. Fredrik Yannopoulos, Thoracic Surgeon, Oulu, Finland
19.40 – 20.00 Questions & Discussion
All participants – led by Dr. Vilde D. Haakensen

For more details or questions please contact:
Linda Rosengren
Sr Medical Advisor, Sweden
+46 706 66 97 01
[email protected]

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Vendela Ekmark
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