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WEBINAR – Systemic treatment for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma

Webinar 4 december 12:00 – 13:00

Systemic treatment for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma
– Live streaming from the UK with Prof. Jeff Evans (New date!)

MSD and Eisai are pleased to invite you for a live webcast with a renown scientific leader in the field of hepatocellular carcinoma, prof. Jeff Evans.

Attendance to this event is possible via the link below:

About the speaker:

Prof. Jeff Evans is the Director of the Institute of Cancer Sciences at the University of Glasgow and a Professor of Translational Cancer Research. He is also the Lead of the Glasgow Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre and the Head of the Experimental Cancer Therapeutics Unit. Prof. Evans holds the title as Honorary Group Leader at the CRUK Beatson Institute. Furthermore, he is the co-editor of the clinical research section of the British Journal of Cancer and has been an experienced investigator in key studies involving hepatocellular carcinoma.

More info

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